7 Natural Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin that is produced in the hair follicles.

As follicles produce new hair cells, old cells are being pushed out through the surface of the skin at tha rate of about six inches a year.

Initially hair loss was seen as a sign of ageing but in the urban scenario with everyone leading a hectic lifestyle it has become a reason for worry for many.

Here's bringing you seven easy and effective home remedies for hair loss.

Most of the ingrediants for those quick fixes are available in your own kitchen.

1.Onion Juice.

This remedy is regarded as one of most effective and oldest ones.

To try this remedy, cut a few slices of onion and squeeze out its juice and apply it on your scalp for about 10-15 minutes.

Let it works its magic and then rinse it off with a mild shampoo.

2.Coconut Milk.

Her remedy take coconut milk from a fresh coconut.

To it add half a squeeze of lemon, 4 drops of essential lavender oil.

Mix it troughly and apply it on your scalp leave it on for 4-5 hours and then rinse it off.

3.Apple Cider Vinegar.

This vinegar gently cleanses the scalp and maintain the PH balance of the hair thereby accelerating hair growth.

Start for making a diluted solution by mixing 75ml of it in one liter of water for a larger batch or 15ml of it to a cup of warm filtered water for a smaller batch.

To apply this solution use it as final rinse after washing your hair.

4.Make Your Own Egg Mask.

For The Egg seperate one egg white in a bowl and add one teaspoon of olive oil and honey.

Make a paste of it and apply it all over your hair and scalp for about 20 minutes.

Rinse it off with cool water and some shampoo.


It contains proteins and nicotinic acid; protein enriched diets have been known to encourage stimulation of hair growth.

Add a tablespoon of this herb and water in a grinder till a smooth paste it formed.

Add a little coconut oil to it and apply on your hair and scalp for half an hour.

wash it off with a mild shampoo.

6.Green Tea.

Apply warm green tea over your scalp and leave it for an hour.

Wash it off with cool water.


Mix 2 teaspoon of amla powder or juice with equal amounts of lime juice and let it dry.

inse it off with some warm water. it will also prevent hair pigmentation
